Thursday, October 8, 2009


This is a really good book. There are four main charactors in this book, Kaz, Dante, Andria, and Star. They are four kids that like scuba diving and start doing some research on marine life. When they were diving one day, the find a shipwreck and a note that said: Telodo. They find out that it was the fifth atlantic crossing. So they went back up to land found out that there is 1.2 billion dollars worth of treasure on that shipwreck. The wreck was in a place called the hidden shoals. Then they find out that there are six people after the treasure. So they send a water proof camera to get a better look at the shipwreck. Then they find another person to help them named captain Vanhoover find the treasure, and he let them use a extreemly nice sumbarine. They go down in the ship and do you think they find the treasure. I won't tell you just read the book and find out.

I highly recomend this book. It is great for fifth graders. this book has a lot of action and suspense. you should read this book because it has a good amount of pages and has a lot of everything. The auther is Gordan Korman

by Nick Sh

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