Thursday, October 8, 2009

Everest Book Two: The Climb

Everest Book Two: The Climb is an awesome book. Everest is mostly about four kids, Dominic, Tilt, Sammi, and Perry who try to climb the biggest mountain in the world. They travel to Nepal and begin their training. The altitude is high and Dominic can't take it. Dominic gets HAPE, which means it is hard to breathe. When they get to camp, Tilt spreads news about Dominic to reporters. Cap Cicero, the leader, doesn't know that Tilt was spreading the news. During Dominic's recovery , the team starts up the mountain.
When Dominic recovered , he was helping the sherpa's. The sherpas carry and lift bags for the climbers. Dominic was the youngest , but he was by far the strongest. When Dominic started up the mountain, he could feel the altitude changing. The weather is very harsh, it can get to minus sixty-six degrees. The suns rays are so strong, they had to wear sunscreen. When they reached camp four, Cap Cicero was listening to the radio to see if any teams had made it to the top. He heard a weird noise, it was Ethan Zaph's sherpa, Lansang. Ethan Zaph is the youngest person to ever reach the summit. Lansang said that Nestor, the journalist, was unconscious, but Ethan wanted to continue his climb. Ethan's team was trying to climb Everest without oxygen masks.
Many climbers make poor decisions when they don't have enough oxygen in their brains.
That meant, Dominic, Sammi, Tilt and Perry would have to save Ethan and Nestor.Once they found them, Ethan was in the death zone with no oxygen. They strapped oxygen masks on and headed down. Perry noticed Nestor didn't have any crampons on his feet. Crampons are razor sharp shoes that climbers wear to have more traction. They realized that they were stuck in his back. When they pulled the crampons out, he screamed.
When they arrived at camp four, Cap Cicero and Dr. Oberman were waiting in the tent. Dr. Oberman took Nestor down to camp two and eventually back to the city to recover.
At the end, Nestor is okay. Tilt confesses that he was spreading the news and everybody is okay.
If you like suspense, action, drama and adventure, then you will like the Everest series. After I read the first book, I was looking forward to reading Book Two:The Climb. I really liked Everest Book Two:The Climb. It is action packed, drama filled and one of the most intense books I have ever read.
By Olivia

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